Everything to Know About Sustainable Surfboards / Part 2

Tips on buying eco-friendly boards plus the benefits of riding them. Discover the potential of sustainable surfboards inside.

Everything you need to know about  / Part 2

Still curious about sustainable surfboards? For those of you who read Part 1 [1]  of this series, you'll now be well-versed in the different sustainable materials used in surfboard construction and the history of sustainable boards.

In this follow-up article, we'll take what we know and use it to espouse the benefits of riding sustainable boards while offering a few tips on buying a sustainable surfboard.

So read on if you're kicking around the idea of purchasing an eco board.

We guarantee that with the information in both this article and its predecessor, you'll know exactly what to look for and the advantages you'll reap from riding sustainable surfboards.

eco-friendly surfboards

The benefits of riding sustainable surfboards

Lower carbon footprint when it comes to transportation

One significant advantage of eco surfboards is their lower carbon footprint during transportation.

Traditional boards, often manufactured overseas, require extensive shipping that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

On the flip side, sustainable surfboards are usually crafted locally using locally-sourced materials. This not only reduces transportation emissions but also supports local businesses.

Essentially, choosing eco surfboards over traditional boards is a small but impactful step towards reducing your carbon footprint and supporting the health of our planet.

Made-to-order boards = minimal waste mindset

Embracing made-to-order surfboards not only reduces waste produced by mass manufacturing, but also delivers an optimised riding experience.

These boards are custom designed, taking into account the your individual skills, style and preferences - ensuring superior performance on the waves. But the benefits extend beyond personal gain.

Made-to-order eco surfboards are surfboards that you'll want to hang onto for years and years. There's even a possibility that you'll hand it down to the next generation of surfers in your family.

By investing in a durable, sustainable board, you'll foster a minimal waste mindset and reduce the amount of surfboards that end up in landfill.

The benefits of riding sustainable surfboards

Last longer than traditional polyurethane surfboards

Eco surfboards, while presenting a higher initial cost, prove their worth in the long run.

Constructed from durable materials like paulownia wood, cork and epoxy, these boards are designed to outlast traditional polyurethane models.

This longevity not only reduces the frequency of replacement, saving surfers money over time, but also lessens the environmental impact.

Fewer replacements mean less waste, contributing to a decrease in the production of harmful emissions associated with manufacturing and disposal.

Plus, the raw materials used in a more sustainable surfboard are often recyclable or biodegradable, further enhancing their environmental credentials.

In essence, while the upfront cost may seem steep, the long-term financial and environmental gains make sustainable surfboards a worthwhile investment.

Eliminate the use of and your exposure to harmful chemicals

Opting for eco-friendly surfboards not only benefits individual surfers by reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals but also supports larger environmental and sustainability goals.

The production of traditional surfboards involves materials and processes that contribute significantly to environmental degradation. By choosing surfboards made from organic resins and natural materials, surfers can help to reduce this impact.

These eco-friendly options also eliminate the need for fibreglass, a material often associated with harmful chemical emissions and toxic chemicals that are released during the production process.

This choice also promotes sustainability within the surfing industry, encouraging manufacturers to adopt greener practices and consider the environmental footprint of their products.

Inspire other people to ride eco-friendly boards

By choosing to ride eco-friendly surfboards, you become part of a larger movement advocating for sustainability and inspire others in the surfing community to follow suit.

Your choice sends a powerful message that surfers care about the environment and are willing to actively contribute to its preservation.

Moreover, your eco-friendly board serves as a conversation starter, encouraging others to question their choices and consider more sustainable alternatives.

This ripple effect amplifies the impact of your decision, helping to shift the industry towards more environmentally-conscious practices, products and production methods.

Riding an eco-friendly surfboard isn't just a personal choice - it's a statement and a catalyst for change.

Tips for buying your first sustainable surfboard

So you've decided to ride the wave of sustainability and invest in an eco-friendly surfboard?

Great choice!

Before you dive in, here are some crucial considerations and tips to keep in mind while buying your first sustainable surfboard, ensuring your choice is kind to both you, our planet and your wallet.

Tips for buying your first surfboard

Tip #1 / Delve into the materials

An eco-friendly surfboard comes in a variety of sustainable materials.

Some are made from cork, while an increasing number use recycled EPS foam, paulownia timber or balsa wood. Investigate these materials and understand their properties to ensure they align with your surfing style and environmental ethics.

Tip #2 / Consider the resin

Traditional surfboards often utilise toxic polyester resin, which is harmful to the environment.

Instead, opt for a board made with bio-resin, natural materials or renewable resources - for a more eco-friendly alternative that contributes to the reduction of harmful waste.

Tip #3 / Examine the shape

The use of sustainable materials can influence the shape, flexibility and responsiveness of the surfboard. Therefore, it's important to consider how these changes might alter the board's performance and your overall surfing experience.

Tip #4 / Select reputable brands

Go for brands that are open about their manufacturing processes and the materials they use. Transparency is an important factor in ensuring the surfboard's eco-friendliness and the brand's commitment to sustainable practices.

Tip #5 / Factor in the Price

While eco-friendly surfboards may be more costly than their traditional counterparts, their long-term benefits to the environment make them a worthy investment. Think about the impact your purchase can have on preserving our oceans.

Tip #6 / Adopt a long-term perspective

Eco-friendly surfboards are typically more durable than conventional ones. This longevity can offset the initial cost, making the purchase a cost-effective decision in the long run.

Tip #7 / Peruse reviews

To ensure you're getting a quality product, it's advisable to check out reviews and testimonials of the surfboard model you're interested in. This can help you gain insights into its performance and durability from other users.

Tip #8 / Promote local shapers

If it's feasible, support local shapers who are contributing to the shift towards greener surfing practices. Buying locally can also reduce shipping emissions, contributing to a cleaner, healthier global environment.

Tip #9 / Recycle your old board

If you're getting a new board, don't just discard your old one. Consider recycling it or donating it to a local surf club to extend its life and reduce waste. Remember, some boards can be broken down into foam blanks and remade with natural fibres and recycled materials.

Tip #10 / Stay informed

Continue learning about the environmental impacts of surfing and understand the role you can play in minimising these impacts.

Education is a key step in becoming a more environmentally responsible surfer, and programs like Ecoboard Project are leading the way in helping surfboard manufacturers like us get the word out that a sustainable alternative does exist (and that it can also produce high-performance boards).


Eco-friendly surfboards represent a powerful step towards sustainable surfing, aligning passion for the sport with respect for our planet.

While the transition may come with its challenges, the advantages - from health benefits to environmental protection and industry-wide sustainability - are undeniable. Remember, as surfers, we are intimately connected to the ocean.

By choosing an eco-friendly surfboard, we are not just choosing a healthier way to enjoy the sport we love. We are also playing our part in preserving oceans for future generations.

Make the switch today and ride the wave of sustainability with Kun_tiqi.

Discover your perfect eco-board

Part 1

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